Optiver is a proprietary trading firm and market maker for various exchange-listed financial instruments. They reached out to our team to design and develop a new website which would function as a powerful recruiting tool. While marketing and lead gen was also a secondary goal, the primary objective was to deliver a young, tech-friendly site which would attract recent STEM graduates, and experienced engineers alike.
Knowing that this was not a typical SEO-centric B2B website and the focus was on recruitment rather than conversions, we were afforded a lot of freedom to explore new ideas. The wireframes included strategically placed culture and career-based CTAs as well as showcases both the overarching company culture, as well as the unique culture at each of Optiver's worldwide locations. Even the main navigation was stripped down to re-emphasizes Optiver’s recruitment-focused objectives. Additionally, we constructed a robust insights archive page for users to easily discover Optiver’s blogs, reports, news, videos, guides, events and more. All industry-standard and legally required pages are also easily discoverable.
Optiver’s paired-down branding allowed us to focus on using color, typography, and photography in creative ways. To bring some user interactivity into the site, we implemented a scroll-based CSS color transition throughout the website, utilizing the brand colors. Bold typography with large amounts of white space allowed the bold background color to tell the story of the brand. Optiver’s extensive custom photo library is featured heavily throughout. It helped us to showcase the culture of their individual locations, as well as act as a visual break between content-heavy sections.
Their new, modern website lets Optiver now target the recruits they want to employ, allowing them to stay competitive within the trading tech industry.